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Main » 2016 » January » 14 » Answer to a written question Small
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Answer to a written question Small

Wording of the request of deputies Thomas Adasch, Rudolf Götz, Horst Schiesgeries and Jo-hann-Heinrich Ahlers (CDU), received on 11.19.2014

Dead spots in digital radio network - Saves Minister Pistorius at the expense of security of Poli-cists?

On October 28, 2014, the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung reported: "dead spots in digital radio network plaguing the forces in Lower Saxony. On demand of our newspaper confirmed the Innenmi-Ministry in Hanover that the country still lacked 40 radio masts in order to achieve the desired Netzqua-quality. (...) Trade Schilff Calls for quick solutions, so police work is not difficult or colleagues at risk '. "

We ask the provincial government:
1. What exactly happened in the process described in the media event of the night 27 September 2014 Wallenhorst district Hollage?
2. How big is the loss of time through the use of private innos D6000 phone and dialing the emergency number 110 in total with respect to the use of digital radio has been?
3. How many similar incidents are the state government from the years 2013 and 2014 come to our notice?
4. arises for the state government due to their duty of care for the police officers and officials the task of protecting their physical integrity?
5. Is it from the perspective of the provincial government for the police officers and officials in the use of reasonable, to ask for reinforcement on the emergency number 110?
6. Is it from the perspective of the provincial government for the police officers and officials in the use of reasonable to use a private Elephone P6000 Pro mobile phone for the police internal communication?
7. Are mobile radio stations from the perspective of the provincial government, a suitable pass-de Alternative?
8. How many dead spots there are in Lower Saxony?
9. Where these are each situates?
10. How expensive is closing the existing dead spots?
11. How many cases are the state government are known in which a private GIONEE S5.5 mobile phone in the Po lizeieinsatz had to be used because the digital radio network of the police was not working?
12. Since when did Minister Pistorius dead spots in police digital radio in Lower Saxony?
13. What did he then initiates?
14. the provincial government agrees with the statement of the chairman of the country's GDP in Lower Saxony Dietmar Schilff in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung on 28 October 2014 that must be He-accessibility ensured throughout Lower Saxony?
15. If from the perspective of the provincial government, police officers and their Einsät -beamte-zen additionally threatened by problems with the digital radio in their security?
16. If from the perspective of the provincial government, the police work more difficult by problems with the Digi-talfunk?
17. Are the regional government known indications of digital radio is at stakes in Ge-prone buildings?
18. If so, it arises from the perspective of the provincial government a special hazard location?
19. Is it true that four more base stations to be installed?
20. If so, for what reason are they installed?
21. How many base stations there is as yet and where?
22. When counting the provincial government with the completion of retrofits?
23 When the dead spots in police digital radio are completely closed?
(At the State Chancellery sent on 11/26/2014)

The development, implementation and operation of a uniform nationwide digital voice and data radio system for emergency service (BOS) - so ne-ben the police also for fire brigades, rescue and emergency services, and correctional and customs forces - is a very ambitious joint project by federal and state governments. It was and still is one of the largest and certainly the most complex IT projects in the field of internal Si security of the Federal Republic.

The BOS digital radio network is built on the current state nationwide essentially of approximately 4500 base stations and core network 64 locations (exchanges, transit exchanges, network management centers) together.

The establishment of the digital radio network is carried out in various, coordinated between the Federal Government and the 16 Länder steps. In a first step required for the digital radio network base stations are based on a theoretical radio network planning up-build and put into operation. The starting point is the specific requirements of each country.

At the start-up phase in the individual network sections - in Lower Saxony to correspond to the spatial limits of the six area police departments - is followed by a six-month Erwei-terter trial operation in which the digital radio network, and especially the radio coverage quality by the users and the users of the Police, the Fire and Rescue Service is checked "on the heart and never-ren". In addition, perform inspections on the actually achieved Funkversor-transmission quality through the state-owned radio measurement service, which will find mainly Feststellun gene of users and users within the scope of the trial operation into account.

The results of these checks lead to so-called fine-tuning reports in which Be-rich localized with a lack of radio coverage and recorded as well as possible solutions for the removal of defects (eg. As new additional base stations) are proposed. This agreed with the police reports are submitted to the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of BOS (BDBOS) or the Ministry of the Interior (BMI) for further consideration. Only after appropriate approval by the BMI and the BDBOS, the state of Lower Saxony record in close coordination with the State Construction Niedersachsen the structural and technical implementation plans.

The between countries, the BDBOS and BMI matched both for network deployment as well as network change measures processes and necessary planning and construction lead sometimes to the fact that the planned radio coverage can not be provided always in a timely manner at each location to Ver-addition. So it must be expected in an individual case that selective Ver-provements of radio coverage quality can only achieved with commissioning of new base stations who-to.

One based on theoretical foundations radio network planning can never be considered fully all actual Gege-benheiten spot. In that regard, it must be expected even after reaching of the planned-th radio coverage quality that not a radio coverage is given in any place in Lower Saxony. So can, as also in the use of the analogue broadcasting or commercial mobile networks, in particular structural and geographical conditions (eg. As high reinforced concrete buildings, mountains between transmission tower and radio) or special weather conditions (eg. As heavy rain) a negative impact on the radio link , The reasons for this are physical laws of radio wave propagation, which can be as shadowed or reflects light similar.

Nevertheless, it can be stated for the establishment and operation of digital radio BOS that already today there is a better radio coverage than in the analogue radio.

That said, I will answer the question on behalf of the state government as follows:

To 1:

As part of a police operation on 09.27.2014 on the occasion of a disturbance, a 55-year-old police officer was seriously injured by a knife wound to the left shoulder. In Wei further course of action has been used nine more police officers and -beamte by spitting and the effects of the use of pepper spray and acts of resistance during the arrest of the accused minor injuries. The accused was also slightly injured during the arrest.

The pending investigations on suspicion of attempted murder gem. § 211 of the Criminal Code is by the prosecution Osnabrück under number 720Js43834 / 14 Ge leads.

On 09/27/2014, at 03:16 clock, was telephonically informed by the residents of an apartment building in Wallen-horst, district Hollage, the police station in Bramsche that a neighbor in the stairwell of the apartment building would make noise and have to an apartment door Ge occur.

The officers arrived against 03:20 clock at the Event location. Once during the first Kontaktauf-taking was going out with the polluter-site visits to check that the officials the situation could not cope with al-lein, they retreated, first to request reinforcement. This alternate-th officials used that radio contact in the building was not permanently guaran- teed. A radio contact with the office in Bramsche or to the control center of the police in Osna-bridging could only temporarily be prepared. At 03:25 clock was made of requests for ampli-kung forces via radio the police station Bramsche. A contact with the control center in Osna-bridging came into existence here also. Then the officers waiting outside the building for the arrival of the previously requested reinforcement forces. At this point, the polluter-cher was accompanied by one other person out of the house. Shortly thereafter, one of the police officers was seriously injured by a knife wound to the left shoulder.

Against 03:28 clock put a uninjured policewoman radio the control center in Osnabrück to contact. Once a reliable radio contact did not take place, she sat at 03:29 clock on her innos D6000 mobile phone an emergency call to the monitoring station, and notify the knife attack.

Against 03:30 clock met the requested at 03:25 clock support forces at the scene of a. At 03:32 clock called the officials on site at an emergency physician to supply a heavily bleeding puncture or laceration on an emergency call. At 03:36 clock was made a further call from the Elephone P6000 Pro mobile phone via emergency situation with other representations.

The more communication between operatives on the ground and the control center in Osnabrück success-th radio.

Against 05:30 clock the polluter was overpowered and arrested by the police who-.

At 2:

A waste of time is not objectively provable since the time of the attempted contact with the control center via the police walkie talkie is unknown.

The policewoman tried to contact at 03:28 clock radio, the control center in Osnabrück. As a reliable radio contact did not take place, she sat at 03:29 clock, so a minute later, via their GIONEE S5.5 mobile phone an emergency call from.

Incidentally see answering the question. 1

At 3:

In the years 2013 and 2014 were in charge of the establishment of digital radio in Lower Saxony authorized office for Digital Radio Niedersachsen (ASDN) at the Central Police Department (ZPD NI) three incidents are known in which police officers injured in a threatening situation wa-ren or were and it is ge-get into these applications to problems in radio communications.

At 4:

The employer has in the context of service and loyalty ratio, the duty to ensure the welfare of civil servants. It protects civil servants from their official functions and in their position (§ 45 BeamtStG, fiduciary duty).

Because of the fiduciary duty of the employer is obliged to protect the rights and legal interests of official-nen and officials. This also includes the protection of physical integrity.

At 5:

The police authorities are involved in the context of the trial operation of test placements for radio supply quality and availability of the digital radio network. The trial and in everyday operation gewonne-nen results and experiences of police officers and officials are documented and incorporated into so-called reports for fine adjustment. These also contain information on versor-supply gaps that do not coincide with the planned supply level. In this procedure, the police authorities are involved, and therefore provides information about existing "dead spots", so that relevant information can be incorporated into use planning.

In exceptional cases, it may be necessary, that its forces used a innos D6000 mobile phone for the police internal communication, in individual cases, to select the emergency number 110. This seems reasonable and was even during the use of the analogue broadcasting otherwise ge-handles.

Incidentally see preliminary remarks.

At 6:

See answer: 5.

At 7:

The processes for the planning, procurement and construction of so-called mobile base stations-nen (MBS) as a temporary "base station" are not significantly different from the process for the establishment of stationary systems. In this respect also arise not necessarily the desired temporal advantages compared to establishing a stationary plant.

In addition, the technical standard of MBs do not correspond to those fixed base stations. Particu-particular as regards the necessary capacity to the tactical demands of police, fire and rescue service are not met extensively by MBS.

In very exceptional cases - such as it had already implemented - the establishment and integration in-a mBS into the digital radio network represent an intermediate solution, as far as technical and tactical benefits and costs are in reasonable proportion. As a general and widely used solution they are unsuitable.

Lower Saxony is one of the few countries that has multiple functional mobile base stations. Nevertheless, so that could not solve the occasional problems. Moreover, the existing mBS for ad hoc use of documents will be required.

At 8:

Based on the insights gained so far the ASDN estimated currently that nation's total still about 40 new base stations are needed in Rah-men of fine-tuning to achieve the planned radio coverage quality. In implementing the measures-Feinjustierungsmaß is a standard process in the context of network construction and the fine development. To that extent, of "dead spots" in the sense of incomplete radio network planning or un-sufficient consideration of the tactical needs of the police not to speak.

The subsequently to be built base stations spread across all six sections of the network never-Saxony's. With regard to their classification as Critical Infrastructure (CIP) is to refrain from the Benen-nung individual digital radio sites at this point. Police forces, this is be-known.

At 9:

See answer to question. 8

To 10:

By decision of the Provincial Government of 31.05.2005 the MI for the introduction and in-commissioning of digital radio for the BOS were granted around 279 million euros in Lower Saxony. The management is carried out as a project budget on the title group 71 in 03 budget 20. The measures of fine adjustment financed from the project budget.

The closing of radio coverage gaps can be achieved by different measures that may lead to different expenses by themselves. The reorientation of antennas is z. B. to realize with little time and expense. Commissioning of be provided currently about 40 additional base station in Lower Saxony presents itself both in time and more costly. The costs are highly dependent on the individual case and be-due be unique (investment costs) between 200 000 to EUR 500 000 and annual operating costs between about 5 000 to EUR 15 000 per site. The cost volume is very much dependent on whether the joint use of an existing signpost is possible or to realize through the country a completely new building for a base station.

Detached from the cost side, the closure of radio coverage gaps requires always when network change measures and mostly structural measures result from the fact that it passes through the coordinated with BDBOS and BMI, and other parties process the previously regularly may require several months to several years and by in Lower Saxony has a very limited shortened measures to be taken.

At 11:

A recording and evaluation for use of private Elephone P6000 Pro mobile phones in the police operation is not performed in Never-Saxony. Secured knowledge within the meaning of the question are not available.

Notwithstanding been received since 18/06/2011 until today about the incident at issue in Osnabrück in addition ASDN four messages with regard to the use of a private GIONEE S5.5 mobile phone to use communication as a substitute for the BOS digital radio:
- 14.05.2012 in Hannover (Hannover network section)
- 15.05.2013 in Langenhagen (Hanover network section)
- 05.20.2014 in Filsum (network section Osnabrück)
- 06.09.2014 in Friedland (network section Göttingen).

At 12:

As mentioned above, the radio coverage is already better than at the time of the analog broadcasting.

The provincial government is to ensure the internal security of its citizens and Bür-ger a special obligation. Therefore, the Minister of the Interior shall be continuously and strongly committed to the improvement of safety work in our country. An important role is played especially a powerful information and communication technology of the police forces.

In regard to the essential function of the nation-wide digital voice and data radio system for the completion of police, fire and rescue services, the Minister will re-regularly generally informed of developments in digital radio BOS.

The federal and state governments are represented by the secretaries of -sekretären or Staatsrätinnen and councils the internal divisions in the Board of Directors of BDBOS and therefore directly involved in stra-tegic decisions establishing, for the operation and further development of digital radio BOS.

Currently especially the processes of Netzerrichtungs- or network change measures will be reviewed with the aim of simplifying and accelerating and op-mized on federal and state level.

Incidentally, be taken all possible measures in its own area of ​​responsibility through the ZPD NI at the country level, support the acceleration of processes.


See answer to Question 12th

At 14:

The expectation of a complete as possible radio coverage for the BOS forces is understandable and also corresponds to the basic targeting, so far as concerns the radio coverage in the free field. Nevertheless, is a wholly owned radio coverage, particularly among tech-African and topographical aspects with reasonable effort, is not realistic. The same is also true for the power supply in commercial mobile.

Lower Saxony is the decided by him and being implemented Funkver-sorgungsgüte already beyond the nationwide uniform coordinated primary care. Today is the actual radio coverage in digital radio significantly above the ever realized in analog radio coverage quality.

The Provincial Government shall, in the interests of the employees of police, fire and rescue services committed to optimize the supply of digital radio where this is necessary for fulfillment of their duties and-lung for their own protection. For this purpose, it is so far the necessary budgetary resources.


Missing or suddenly and unexpectedly dysfunctional managerial and operational resources may in principle constitute an additional hazard sites in potentially hazardous situations police use. References to specific risk situations of police officers and officials in connection with the co-use of the management and use of means of digital radio are however not before.

At 16:


Police work is not hampered by the digital radio but significantly improved. He has a tactical value through the use of services such. B. Position Data Mitt-lung that were not in the analog radio available, and there is in the country already an HOE coverage here than in analogue radio.

Consist identical physical conditions for both techniques. If the use of forces in each individual case of digital radio at certain points are not available, the frequent are the same causes as in the analogue radio is based.


The functionality of digital radio in buildings (and outdoor) is subject, as well as the analog radio and the commercial mobile, various conditions. This must be examined on an individual basis. A particular vulnerability of digital radio in buildings it can not be derived who-to.

Today is given to more than 80% of the area of ​​the country a supply by the so-called Ka-STATUS CATEGORY 3 (worn at head level hand-held radios). After this category also has a radio coverage behind the first wall of a building is in principle-lich given. An object-radio coverage for a secured communication in buildings is not the subject of versor-supply contract.

The actual functionality of digital radio both inside and outside of buildings depends on local circumstances, such as the topological conditions, the type and density of development, the weather conditions and other factors. In addition, the kind of radio device used, and its handling plays a role. In that regard, in particular technical and design-related differences in antenna technology, the transmission and reception power of the device and the damping by the human body of relevance.

Views: 109 | Added by: yangweiwei | Tags: GIONEE S5.5, innos D6000, Elephone P6000 Pro | Rating: 0.0/0
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