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Main » 2015 » December » 9 » Decreasing Mobile Phone Robbery and Enhancing Security
8:27 AM
Decreasing Mobile Phone Robbery and Enhancing Security

Executive Summary

Crime in Britain and Wales has dropped by more than 10 percent under the Coalition Govt, and the independent Criminal activity Study for Britain and Wales reveals crime at its minimum stage since laptop computer began almost 30 years ago. While the overall trend is encouraging, the stage of MEIZU m2 cellphone robbery remains a concern. There were around three quarters of a million sufferers of cell cellphone robbery in Britain and Wales in the season 2012/13. Almost 100,000 of these robberies took set up London, uk alone. Cell mobile phones are progressively useful, due not just to the growing sophistication of their technology, but also to the individual and financial details saved on them. Some estimates put the value of details held on typical smartphones at more than the value of the product itself.

Following research of results from the Criminal activity Study for Britain and Wales, and by examining large numbers of details points outlining cell cellphone robberies in London, uk (for the time time interval of 1 Aug 2012 to 5 Jan 2014 – the newest details available to us), we have produced the most specific evidence yet on how and when Elephone S2 cellular mobile phones are thieved, and who is most at threat. We acknowledge that image may well have changed following the widespread release of device-based solutions since Sept 2013, but the research here symbolizes the most up to date image available to us. We intend to produce a further research next season.

The details revealed that sufferers of cell cellphone robbery are likely to have had their mobile phones thieved directly from their person (e.g. through pickpocketing) or when the device was briefly left unwatched (e.g. from a table in a bar). The details also revealed that certain categories of everyone is especially vulnerable: 14-24 season olds, and particularly women, are more likely than any other group to be the sufferer of cell cellphone robbery.

The richness of the London, uk dataset provided by the Urban Cops also enables us to see which kinds of cellphone were most likely to be thieved. In the time interval between 1 Aug 2012 and 5 Jan 2014, over 50% of all mobile phones thieved in London, uk were The apple company iPhones. The next largest percentage of cellular mobile phones thieved were produced by Blackberry, followed by New samsung. The likelihood of a MEIZU m2 cellphone being focused by criminals is driven by a variety of factors, from the overall desirability of the product itself, to the convenience to useful private details saved on it, to the recognized chance of being tracked once the product has been thieved.

Many of these mobile phones will not have been purposely focused. Some cellular mobile phones are thieved, for example, from a home during the course of a robbery together with other valuables. We have constructed the first ever Mobile Phone Theft Rate to control for this. This ratio is derived by splitting the proportion of robberies of a given design that were plausibly focused (e.g. a cellphone that has been snatched) by the proportion of robberies of a given design that was unlikely to have been focused (e.g. a cellphone thieved as portion of a burglary). The Theft Rate is depending on the details for Aug 2012 to Jan 2014 and reveals how likely the top makes of devices were to be purposely focused.

Both kinds of details – on which mobile phones were more likely to be thieved and in which situations everyone is most likely to be susceptible to cellphone robbery – can help to inform individuals, and so play a role in the wider programme of work being conducted by cops to tackle Elephone S2 cell cellphone robbery.

It is important to learn that cell cellphone operators and producers have already been acting to lessen cell cellphone robbery. One way in which this is being done is through the development of progressively sophisticated protection measures on mobile phones (such as those that trace the location of a thieved device and can slightly block its further use without authentication).

Recent examples of producers embedding protection as a major product feature consist of improvement Samsung’s anti-theft functions during 2013, and Apple’s newest os, iOS7. Our research of the London, uk details reveals a discount in robberies of iPhones following improvement iOS7, a finding corroborated by Urban Cops intelligence which indicates a corresponding decrease in the blackmarket value of iPhones (likely to be a result of a development of the recognized chance of stealing or handling a thieved phone). Any protection measures presented by cell cellphone producers after Jan 2014 will not have been picked up in the details.

We wish that this document will lead the cell cellphone market to continue to help customers use their items even more safely, and to create the existing protection measures more obvious and simpler to use for customers. “Designing out” robbery in this way will create their services as well as easy for those to keep secure and hard for criminals to recycling and resell.

We also wish that the details in this document will help customers know how to keep their mobile phones safe, and to create advised choices when purchasing mobile phones. The simple actions that MEIZU m2 cell cellphone owners, and particularly those in more susceptible categories, should take to lower their chance of becoming a sufferer of cellphone robbery include:

when choosing a new cellphone, ask about the protection measures of the models you are selecting, and take advantage of these functions when you have them on your phone;

register your cellular cellphone totally without any charge on This helps cops to identify you as the owner if it is retrieved and allows you to keep a record of your IMEI variety, which you will need if your cellular is lost or stolen;

never leave your cell cellphone unwatched in a community position (such as in an unwatched handbag). Take particular care of your cellphone at bars, bars, coffee-shops, restaurants and music venues - criminals target these settings;

consider devices / apps that allow you to wipe private details if your system is thieved. If you are unsure which 'app' to install check with the manufacturer of your smartphone; and

if your cellphone is thieved, review it to your system immediately and review it to cops, telling them if you have a tracking system app. installed. Be sure you have the IMEI variety available for cops. Your system will offer this absolutely 100 % free.

Dramatic crime reductions have been achieved in areas such as car robbery through the combination of better advised customers and the innovation of producers responding to such customers. We believe that a similar approach can now succeed for Elephone S2 cell cellphone robbery. Cell mobile phones are an progressively essential and useful aspect of modern life of today, not just as mobile phones but as wallets and repositories of private details.

This review symbolizes a first research from the available details, and we look forward to conducting further analyses over time, which will serve to strengthen the details available to customers, to help them to create advised choices.


Crime is falling across Britain and Wales – the newest figures published2 by the Office for National Statistics show that crime has dropped by 10 per penny under the Coalition Govt and, according to the newest Criminal activity Study for Britain and Wales3 (the “Crime Survey”), is down 62 per penny from its 1995 peak. The Coalition Govt is committed to working with a variety of partners, such as cops, market and individuals to make sure this decrease continues.

Despite the positive overall position, there were 742,000 sufferers of cell cellphone robbery in Britain and Wales according to the 2012/13 Criminal activity Study for Britain and Wales4, and in London, uk alone, almost 100,000 cellular mobile phones were reported thieved to the Urban Cops Service (MPS) during 2013.

This document does not aim to offer a definitive view on cell cellphone robberies in Britain and Wales. Rather, it sets out the available details on cell cellphone robbery, with Aspect I providing some context - chronicling the development of MEIZU m2 cell cellphone ownership, how cellular mobile phones tend to be thieved, who is most at threat, and the effect of improved protection.

Using more details for the time interval from Aug 2012 to Jan 2014 from the MPS, Aspect II then reveals how particular cell cellphone brands are focused by criminals across London, uk, such as the first use of a Mobile Phone Risk Rate, which reveals how some devices were more likely to be focused for robbery during Aug 2012 to Jan 2014. Towards the end of now, protection developments produced by the cell cellphone producers to deter robbery, for example improvement iOS7 by The apple company and anti-theft functions presented by New samsung, began to have an effect. We will be able to do more to assess the effect of all such developments in any future research.

Part III explores what action has already been taken by cops and the cell cellphone market to address cell cellphone robbery and exactly who can do to protect their cellular mobile phones from robbery.


Views: 92 | Added by: yangweiwei | Tags: MEIZU m2, Elephone S2 | Rating: 0.0/0
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